When throwing a party or hosting an event, it's always best to try to get at much done ahead of time so you're not strapped in the hours leading up to guests' arrival. A good option is to arrange your flowers a day or two in advance, and if you care for them properly, they will look as fresh as if they were just picked from the garden. Beyond just water, flowers need an energy boost, too. This usually comes from store-bought additives like Floralife powder, but if you don't have time to run out to the store, why not make it yourself? A simple solution is to take 1 quart warm water and add 1 teaspoon sugar (for that aforementioned energy boost), about half a lemon's worth of juice (the acid helps stems absorb nutrients — if you don't have this, copper from a couple pennies does the same thing) and just a couple drops of bleach (it wont kill the buds, but it will kill the bacteria and make washing the vase easier later). This easy at-home solution will make your blooms last days longer, and who doesn't want that!
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Flower power
Party prep
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